Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Veteran's Appreciation Day

We hosted our first Veteran's Appreciation Day to recognize our veterans in the community as well as our students, staff, and faculty.

Our President, Randy Wooten, officiated the ceremony. We had a special guest speaker, Vernon B. Lewis, Retired Army Major General.

Booths were set up from the local veterans agencies to offer information regarding military benefits, such as:

VA Hospital (Shreveport, LA)-They were available for any questions regarding health care as well as offering counseling services to our veterans.

Texas Veterans Land Board- They were here to offer information on how veterans can use their military benefits for home mortgage and/or remodeling as well as many other benefits.

US Army Reserve Recruitment- They were here to offer information on how students can earn extra money while attending school by joining the Army Reserve.

Department of Veterans Affairs- They offered a wide range of information on Health care, home loans, life insurance, education, training, and more.

Family Readiness Group (FRG)- Dawn Cunningham, a TSTC student sponsored this group. She works with them to provide information to veterans.

Overall, we had an excellent turnout. The interest was so great, we are in the process of starting a Student Veterans Association. If you would like more information on this, you may contact Pam Evans or Dawn Cunningham.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Financial Aid

My boss just handed me an updated Federal Student Aid Grant Programs Fact Sheet. The name itself is intimidating! It made me think that with all this information there must be people out there that are really confused. If you are one of those people, please, feel free to contact our Financial Aid Office. They will be able to walk you through everything, from the application process to any problems you may encounter long after the money has arrived. Call us at (903)935-1010.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Industry Career Day

Our Fall semester Industry Career Day was on October 29th. Twenty five Industry Partners were scheduled to be present but 27 showed up! That is a fantastic showing! If you follow the news, you are aware that many companies are not hiring. This just proves, once again, that Texas State Technical College graduates go to work!
Industry Career Day is a bi-annual event we have at TSTC. We invite industries in our area who are hiring new employees, as well as inviting educational institutions in case our TSTC graduates want to continue there education once they finish with us.
Our Spring Industry Career Day is already scheduled for March 25, 2010.
See you there.